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$( function() {
* @source mediawiki.org/wiki/Snippets/Open_external_links_in_new_window
var $alinks = mw.util.$content.find( 'a' );
* @version 5
$alinks.each( function() {
var $tablink = $( this );
mw.hook('wikipage.content').add(function($content) {
if ( $tablink.hasClass( 'external' ) && $tablink.attr( 'href' ).indexOf( mw.config.get( 'wgServer' ) ) !== 0 ) {
// Second selector is for external links in Parsoid HTML+RDFa output (bug 65243).
$tablink.attr( 'target', '_blank' );
$content.find('a.external, a[rel="mw:ExtLink"]').each(function () {
// Can't use wgServer because it can be protocol relative
// Use this.href property instead of this.getAttribute('href') because the property
// is converted to a full URL (including protocol)
if (this.href.indexOf(location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname) !== 0) {
this.target = '_blank';
if ( this.rel.indexOf( 'noopener' ) < 0 ) {
this.rel += ' noopener'; // the leading space matters, rel attributes have space-separated tokens
if ( this.rel.indexOf( 'noreferrer' ) < 0 ) {
this.rel += ' noreferrer'; // the leading space matters, rel attributes have space-separated tokens